Handouts are printed on 8.5" × 11" paper.

HPRC Underfueling_051420_508 (2).pdf

Underfueling Carbs Can Lead to Underperformance

Tags: Underfueling, carbs, underperformance

HPRC_Protein Basics_508_102219 (2).pdf

Protein for Performance: The Basics

Tags: Protein, performance, nutrition

HPRC_Nutrient Timing Basics_508_011620 (4).pdf

Guide to Nutritent Timing: The Basics

Tags: Nutrient timing, optimal performance

HPRC Portion Sizes 8.5x11_052522_print (3).pdf

Your Handy Guide to Portion Sizes

Tags: Portion sizes, handy guide

HPRC Quick Easy Meals Web_508_040220.pdf

Quick and Easy Meal Ideas: Microwave and Fridge Only

Tags: Grocery list, nutrition

HPRC Hydration Beverages 8.5x11_060822_508 (3).pdf

Hydration Beverages

Tags: Hydration, beverages

HPRC WHEC Exertional Illness Prevention_020222_508 (3).pdf

Use Nutrition to Reduce Your Risk of Exertion-Related Events

Tags: Nutrition, exertional heat illness, hydration

HPRC Ketogenic Diet_06022_508.pdf

Ketogenic Diet and Performance Enhancement

Tags: Ketogenic diet, performance enhancement

HPRC Plant-forward Eating Ideas to Fuel Your Day_8.5x11_051622_508 (1).pdf

Plant-forward Eating Ideas to Fuel Your Day

Tags: Plant-forward, fuel, nutritional powerhouses


How to Maintain Healthy While TDY

Tags: Healthy eating, TDY, temporary kitchen

HPRC Nutritional Fitness Messages for Leadership_020923_508.pdf

Nutritional Fitness: Messages for Leadership

Tags: Nutritional fitness, fuel performance, leadership, mission readiness, optimal health

HPRC_Fueling for Road and Foot Marches_508_012720 (2).pdf

Fueling for Road or Foot Marches: The Basics

Tags: Fueling, road march, foot march, fueling timeline

HPRC_High-Performance Low-Performance Eating Handout_021820 (2).pdf

High-Low Performance Eating

Tags: High performance eating, low performance eating


Simple and Satisfying Snack Ideas

Tags: Snack ideas, nutrient-rich, nutritional fitness

Nutrition to Reduce Heat Stress_STRONG BANDS.pdf

Nutrition to Reduce Heat Stress

Tags: Nutrition, hydration, Strong BANDS

HPRC_USCG_GR_Urine color chart 8.5x11.pdf

Are You Hydrated?

Tags: Hydration, urine color chart 

HPRC_DIY Snack Mix_8.5x11 Handout_021820.pdf

DIY High-Performance Snack Mix

Tags: Snack ideas, nutrient-rich, nutritional fitness


Combat Food Waste

Tags: Food waste, portion sizes

Power Plate Graphic_8.5x11_032320_print (6).pdf

Power Plate: Eat to Fuel your Performance

Tags: food, nutritional fitness, meal planning